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Your ‘What’s Next?’


I’ve always loved this time in between – after the Christmas frenzy and before we fully jump into the flow of things. Everything feels soft and slow. It feels like a sacred pause - a chance to reflect, to take stock, to regroup, to course correct.

For so many of the women I speak to - especially those of us in midlife—this time of year brings a sense of yearning. Yearning for clarity, for meaning, for connection. For a life that feels more aligned with who we truly are now, not who we used to be or who the world expects us to be.

So, if you’re in that mood too, here’s part two of my yearly ritual. If you missed part one or haven’t yet had the time to do it, take a pause my love (go on, I dare you!) and do this first as it’s a key stone to what comes next.

To start us off, I think it’s important to share something I’ve learned the hard way, and by now, you probably have too: creating a wholesome, fulfilling and meaningful life doesn’t come from piling more onto an already-full plate.

Nope sir-ree. No, no, no. We're not going down that road.

It comes from getting clearer and braver. It comes from simplifying and focusing on what really matters to you now and taking small, courageous steps.

The narrative that we have to do more to create the life we want is exactly what will leave us feeling burned out and disconnected—from ourselves, our dreams, and sometimes the people we love most.

When we remember to stop, reflect, reassess and choose intentionally, we can find the missing pieces to feeling whole and fully alive again.

So once you’ve looked back on this past year - the highlights, things you’re most proud of and grateful for, the hard things that turned out to be powerful teaching moments, the new truths about yourself – let’s take all of this valuable wisdom and insight to look forward.

Let's Dive IN

Carve out some and space and time today, or in the next few days, and try on these simple but powerful questions to guide you as you shape the year ahead. Again, we can do this together—me, you, and a community of like-minded women reflecting and growing. Or you might want to do it with someone close by who you trust.

🛑 1. What Are You Going to STOP Doing?

Start here. Some of the most liberating decisions I’ve made have come from stopping things that no longer worked or felt true anymore.  Doing the hard thing is usually the right thing. Deep down you already know this. What’s weighing you down? What’s causing you anxiety? Maybe it’s people-pleasing, self-doubt, or carrying responsibilities that aren’t really yours What (or who) is draining your energy that you can lovingly let go of?  Letting go of this stuff is a radical act of self-care.


🔁 2. What Will You CONTINUE Doing?

This isn’t your first rodeo my love, and there’s a lot you’re doing already that works really well. What routines or relationships light you up? What things bring you peace? What resources, skills, and practices can you rely on in the coming year? Sometimes, the most powerful thing we can do is honour what’s already working.

🌱 3. What Do You Want to START Doing?

What’s been whispering to you? What did this year leave you yearning for? What’s one dream or practice you’ve been too scared or too busy to pursue? Your life is speaking to you, I promise. Just be brave enough to listen in.

Now, let’s get really specific.

From all of the above, pick the one thing you’ll prioritise above all else and focus on for the next 12 months.  Its not to say the other things won’t happen, but when it comes to prioritising time and energy, this will be the one that wins out again and again.

🚀 What is the one goal you really want to work on this year?

Why does this matter to you right now, at this point in your life?  If your WHY isn’t strong enough, choose another goal to work on – something that is really important to you.

🏆When and how will you know if you’ve succeeded?

💕Who is someone that you admire and trust that you can tell about this goal?


And finally…. ACTION! 💪

Now the oh so important part. Action. Yep, that’s right – we’re actually going to DO something, because nothing changes if nothing changes. This is about showing up for yourself and proving to YOURSELF that we mean it. Seeing ourselves taking action, which helps build trust in our ability to change and momentum towards the change we want.

  • What can you do in the next 5 minutes to get started on this goal? It can be the tiniest action possible - as simple as sending an email, writing down an idea, saying something out loud to someone you trust, booking that retreat or saying no to something that doesn’t feel right. Research shows starting right away results in the most change

  • Walk away from this post and do that thing right now. Yep, right now. I mean it. I’m happy to wait until you’re done, I’ll be here. Don’t cheat yourself now, go on now….go!

  • Done? Ok, so once you’ve done your first tiny action, how did it feel to get started?

  • Now, make a list of other small actions you can take that will help you reach your goal


Your Next Chapter Starts Here

Creating your ‘what’s next’ isn’t always easy, but my goodness is it worth it! You have one precious life my darling, please, please PLEASE don’t miss this ❤️

I’m right here alongside you, navigating my own stops, starts, and continues. I don’t have answers to share with you just yet because at some point today, I’ll be switching off all tech for a few hours, lighting the fire and cracking the spine of a new journal (I LOVE that feeling!). I really hope you’ll join me and that this is the year you change your life.

And while none of us have it all figured out, what I know is this: when we move forward with intention, clarity and courage, the path becomes a little lighter, a little brighter, and a whole lot more meaningful.

If you're in a pivot period—if you're still bridging the space between where you are and where you want to be—remember that the person you're becoming is already within you. The journey is convincing your mind to act consistently on what your heart already knows it wants to do.

So grab a pen, pour yourself a little something, and let’s map out a year that truly reflects the YOU as you are now and the life you really want to live.

🌟📢 NEWS 📢🌟

I’ll be launching a Group Coaching Programme in a few weeks called ‘A Year of Pivot’. It’s designed specifically for women in midlife who are ready to embrace their next chapter with courage and intention. We’ll explore themes like self-discovery, boundaries, working with our inner critic, the power of saying “yes” to what lights you up—and “no” to what doesn’t.

You’ll have the chance to connect with other women navigating similar transitions, offering support, inspiration, and a sense of shared journey. Most importantly, you’ll walk away with practical tools and insights to help you continue growing long after our time together ends. Together is not only easier, but so much more FUN!

If this speaks to you, I’d love for you to join us. There will be limited spots to ensure an intimate, personalised experience. My subscribers and followers will always get first priority as a big THANK YOU for supporting me and my work.

Click here to register your early interest and make sure you’re the first to know when it’s announced and open for bookings.

As you step into this New Year, my wish for you is simple: that you have the courage to listen to that whisper of possibility. That you give yourself permission to want more, to grow, to change. And that you know that you’re not alone—I’m here, cheering you on every step of the way.

As always, I LOVE getting your messages! So many of you write to me and share your reflections which is so uplifting! If you feel inspired to share here to visibly encourage others or privately in a DM, I’d love really that. I promise to reply when I'm back online.

With so much love, hope and encouragement for the year ahead,

Deborah xx

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