I’m feeling the crazy with you. Let me explain what I mean. I love the summer, it’s such a great time to let lose and have fun, catch up with friends and do those things you’ve been putting off all year. But it can also get a little crazy and unsetting being out of routine.
Often we’re balancing work, entertaining the kids, taking the dog for a walk, catching up with friends who we barely recognise anymore because it’s been so long, squeezing in business calls – all while trying to make the most of our good (ish) weather with BBQs, weekends away, festivals, holidays, camping trips and maybe a little DIY thrown in – phew!
Sometimes that’s how it is. It’ll be over before you know it – they’ll be back in school and you’ll have a little more time to take care of yourself. In the mean time, take ten or fifteen minutes for some sun salutes – connect to your breath, align yourself, and open things up, if that’s all you can work in – even if the kids are running back and forth through the room.
Most of all, be kind to yourself. It’s a different kind of yoga, but just as powerful. When we say we’re “too busy” to take care of ourselves, something has really gone awry. Join me if you can in class as we look for the calm in the eye of the storm, and if you can’t make it, throw down your mat at home go for it! See you there, love Deborah x