What Does it Look, Sound, Feel Like to Feel Fully Alive?

There's an African Proverb that goes like this "When death finds you, may it find you alive."
I've been thinking about this a lot - am I living fully alive? What does this look, sound, feel like in my body and life?
These days I'm less interested in how long I live, but rather how DEEP?
As I was pondering, this came up: "I feel fully alive when...
I allow myself to feel.
I pause between impulse and response.
I really pay attention to the whole moment.
I show up as my whole Self and live into whatever is true for me
I honour my ever-changing capacity
I take time to come 'home' to my body and myself often
I pour myself into things, people and work that has purpose and meaning
I have a silent disco for one!
I stay connected to the wisdom and beauty of nature and each new season.
How about you, when do you feel Fully Alive?
Go lightly, and always, ALWAYS with love
Deborah 💛